Saturday, November 23, 2013

T-5 days

The past three weeks have been a blur. It was just three weeks ago that Eric and I were heading down to FL to visit my family when we decided that we would be leaving on Thanksgiving day to start our trip down to Mexico. That meant that we would see my family one more time before we headed off which was great. After getting back from FL we spent Eric's work week ordering various items we needed for the bike including a new tracking device so that our families can keep track of us while we are riding, dry bags, an extension for the windshield, a new tool rack, and a few things we need for legal documentation including international drivers insurance, etc. On top of that, I spent those 5 days trying to cram in the rest of my semesters class work into just 2 weeks from the time we returned from FL so that I wouldn't have to do much while we are on our trip, but also so that I didnt have to take up more room on the bike with school books. Well, that plan hasn't worked out for me as well as I would have liked, but I am still working on it.

We spent the last 5 days in San Diego with Eric's family, had an early Thanksgiving meal with them, had lunch with an uncle, and watched Pearl Jam play in concert. Now, we find ourselves with only 5 days left before we leave for our trip south. 3 weeks ago I thought 3 weeks was far too long to wait to go on this trip we've been planning for years, however, now I realize that 3 weeks may not have been enough time. Surprisingly, we were able to get most things done that we wanted in terms of ordering bike parts and proper legal documentation for the road. The only thing that we did want to do before heading out was to upgrade the suspension and take the bike in for it's regular service, but ordering parts for the suspension took much longer than we hoped for. Instead of taking care of that before we leave, our plan is to drop off the bike in Mexico at a BMW shop to have it worked on while we fly back to work for 5 days. We'll see how easy that will be, though we've read that there are quite a few BMW shops along our route, the best one being in Mexico City.

In 5 days counting until we leave, this is what our packing situation looks like:
So far, its just a bunch of stuff thrown in a pile that we hope to bring. I need to really sit down and figure this stuff out!

For the next 5 days, Eric will be working on preparing the bike, and I will be working on a 20 page research paper for a class along with as much other classwork I can fit in as well. While I am definitely getting more and more excited as each day goes by, I am actually becoming more stressed as well. Where did all of our time go!?

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