Saturday, December 14, 2013

Barra back to Guadalajara

We took a second class bus back to Guadalajara on the 11th since we had to fly home on the 12th. The second class bus took a bit longer than the first class bus as the second class picks up stragglers at regular bus stops along the way. The ride also gave us a heavy case of motion sickness which was far worse than the way over. I was supposed to study the whole way back home, but we both ended up sleeping the whole way back instead to try and fast forward time and try to forget about how ill we felt. We checked back into the hotel we had stayed at while in Guadalajara a few days before, got our moto gear back, went out for some tortas and called it an early night.

We booked a round trip ticket from Guadalajara to Gulfport and back to Guadalajara while we were on this trip. Our plan is to fly back into Guadalajara on the 18th, pick up our bike where we left it at the BMW dealer, and make our way to Mazatlan like we had originally planed before the bike broke down. We hope to make it from Guadalajara to Mazatlan and down to Puerto Vallarta in the 5 days that we have next trip. This shouldn't be a problem, unless we have another exciting mishap with the bike again. We'll see!

Bus ride back to Guadalajara

Eating at super torta again since it's right next door to our hotel 

Boarding the plane to go home :( 

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